Amazon Medical Project is a U.S.-based 501-c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Donors will receive a one-year subscription to Dr. Linnea’s newsletters, which describe clinic activities and life in the Amazon. Checks should be made out to Amazon Medical Project, Inc.
If you are interested in making a donation through estate planning, please contact Melissa Traynham at the address above.
Operating Budget
AMP’s annual operating budget is estimated at $275,000, including roughly $50,000 in donated services and supplies.
AMP operates with grassroots support from Linnea’s family and friends, health care professionals, tourists, organizations, foundations, and through the good will of many individuals. Grants have been provided by the Jack DeLoss Taylor Charitable Trust, multiple Rotary Club chapters, Rotary International, and matching funds from several companies whose employees make contributions.

